As many of you may have noticed over the years, there are quite a few differences between liberals and conservatives.
The list of those differences is far too long to mention here, so I’m just going to focus on one of those differences today…
That difference is the egotism of the Left.
Frankly, I’m not sure how many liberals get their heads through most doorways, as the level of egotism by many on the Left, particularly those in government, is astounding.
You want an answer to a question? Go ask a liberal.
Sure, you may not get the answer that you want or even an answer that is correct, but trust them; they know what they’re talking about.
This egotism used to be merely a mild annoyance, something to shake your head at or roll your eyes over.
Those days are long gone, as their egotism is getting all of us into deep trouble.
Want some examples?
The election of Barack Obama
In the mind of a liberal, electing a man with no executive or managerial experience to the most complicated executive job in the world is perfectly acceptable. Never mind his lack of experience, look at the man’s abilities, intellect and promise, that’s the true measure of the man.
We all see how that’s working.
The Iranian Nuclear Crisis
All throughout the presidential campaign, all we heard from Obama was that we would listen to
But like many, I asked, what is he possibly going to say that hasn’t already been said?
You see, in the liberal’s mind, it’s not what was being said that was the problem; the problem was who was saying it. Now that Obama is calling the shots the Iranians, and any rogue nation or group for that matter, will just go along with whatever we say.
Government Control of Business
The vast majority of liberals want, at best, tougher government regulation on businesses and, at worst, complete governmental control of the private sector.
They think that this is good for business.
This is arguably the most flawed logic I can think of.
Take the struggling automotive industry as an example. Since when are senators, members of the House or even presidents, experts at managing an automobile manufacturer, designing cars that the buying public wants or overseeing assembly lines?
You want the answer?
They’re not experts at any of those things! Yet, it is their astronomical egotism that makes them believe they know what’s right for the struggling car manufacturers…not the actual people that work in that industry.
I mean, has anyone in Congress even worked in the automobile industry in their lives?
Can someone please explain this one to me?
Government Control of Healthcare
This is the exact same argument as the one above; however, this scenario is even more frightening.
Are you curious about what our healthcare system would look like if it were totally under the control of the government?
I’ve got three letters for you…
Simply frightening.
Again I ask, how many members of Congress are actual healthcare experts?
Foreign Policy
In the mind of many liberals, once the evil Bush Administration was run out of town on a rail, the rest of the world would rejoice, join hands, sing Koom By Ya and be bff’s with us.
Since Obama has entered office:
He has insulted Gordon Brown.
His drone missile attacks have been criticized by
He had to apologize to
The Iranians launched a satellite, showing when they have nuclear weapons, they can put them on a ballistic missile.
Our most important ally in the Far East,
Koom By Ya indeed!
The economy
Now, I’m all for letting someone implement a plan, while patiently waiting for it to mature on its own and start working. However…
President Obama’s economic “plan” has been a disaster. The market is in a nosedive, more and more banks are closing, bankruptcies are piling up and consumer confidence is way down.
Why is this?
Because the Obama Administration’s “plan” isn’t really a plan at all. It’s merely a collection of half-baked ideas concocted by a bunch of government officials that are in way over their heads.
But according to liberals, we should have faith in them because they’re such gifted and intelligent people.
Some would call that confidence…I call it egotism.
You see, we conservatives don’t claim to know everything.
That’s why we would rather let business run itself rather than having government doing so.
That’s why we put our faith in people with a proven track record and lengthy experience to difficult jobs like the President of the
That’s why we want lower taxes as we believe individuals know the best ways to spend their money, not some congressional committee.
That’s why we take a realistic approach to foreign policy.
That’s just my opinion…but hey, what do I know?
I’m just a simple conservative.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
1 comment:
Very funny how you whine about egotism while displaying egotism.
Cons really are nothing if not hypocrites.
You gotta love it!!!!
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