We are rapidly approaching the first anniversary of the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency of the
If you ask me, the rhetoric hasn’t matched the reality of the situation. Instead of fences being mended, more walls of division have been thrown up and fingers pointed at fellow Americans than ever before.
President Obama, with the aide of his Democratic cohorts in Congress, has spent the majority of his first year in office demonizing groups of Americans through words, actions and legislation. Say what you want about President Bush, but he never singled out fellow, law-abiding Americans like this.
In the past year, the following groups have been blamed for the country’s shortcomings or become enemies of the Obama administration and the Left:
· Crude oil speculators for merely doing their jobs of forecasting the future price of oil.
· AIG employees for having the gall to actually accept and adhere to a contract that the government agreed to and receive compensation for services rendered.
· CIA officials that followed their orders handed down by the chain of command and worked tirelessly to keep us safe from another terrorist attack or attacks.
· The “stupid” police officers from
· Tobacco companies for producing a product that millions of consumers want.
· Smokers for having the nerve to smoke that product.
· Wal-Mart for not welcoming unions, despite offering benefits and above average pay to their employees.
· Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, conservative talk radio hosts and Fox News for having opinions contrary to those of the Left.
· Soda and juice companies for making beverages that some in Congress deem “unhealthy”.
· Healthcare providers and insurance companies for acting “immoral” by simply turning a profit.
· Individuals that are skeptical of Obama’s healthcare goals or those that attended the tea parties. After all, we’re all just a bunch of racists.
This is troubling to me on multiple levels. After all, shouldn’t the President of the
First, what right do the President or Democratic leaders have to make these Americans’ lives miserable? Using their bully pulpit to label these people pariahs for having the nerve to actually disagree with their policies or make lifestyle choices that conflict with their’s is small, bitter, pathetic and extremely unbecoming of elected officials.
Second, and more importantly, this is not the time to be pitting Americans against each other. While it is never acceptable to do that, the fact that we are at war makes it especially inappropriate. And this is not just any kind of war; this is a unique war that is not defined by political stances or the desire to obtain land. This is an existential war about our culture, our lifestyle and who we are as a people. It is the Western Civilization versus a group of Islamo-fascist cowards that want to rule the world with their barbaric and berserk culture and end our way of life, as we know it.
When we are faced with this type of enemy, this type of threat, it is vital that we not look at our neighbors as enemies just because they have different political ideologies. If we continue to do that, our real enemies will spot those cracks and exploit them.
So to you Mr. President and Democratic leaders, I implore you to please keep your eyes on the real enemies, as they’re not the Americans that disagree with you.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
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