On Wednesday, April 29, President Obama will begin his 100th day in office. I have my own opinions about how he has acted as Commander in Chief, but I am rather interested to hear yours. For this week, I would love it if you would give your thoughts about President Obama, how he has done and/or what you think about his policies. Just add them to the “Comments” Section.
Please feel free to be as pithy or long-winded, informal or formal or angry or happy as you like. On Friday of this week, I will give my assessment of President Obama.
Thanks all!
It's only been 100 days and I am already incredibly annoyed.
Never has a president been so completely ineffectual. He is the presidential equivalent of a dandelion.
has he ever told the truth. or is it even part of the partys platform.we are all getten thown under the bus.how many lies? when his lips are moving he`s lieing . remember the most ethical adm: yes if your alier and a cheat they are ethical. acorn, nafta, transparence,line item veto,the war,the bail outs,global warming,so many lies so litle time.and on and on and on we go down the toilet. thanks nancy,barney,harry,chris,and all the rest.
Let's just hope the next 100 go down easier than the first, or we'll be a socialist country in no time.
President Obama = Two Thumbs Down
F Minus. If there were a Z Minus, that would be nearer to the truth.
Having done more harm than good in his first 100 days, Obama and his crew do not garner much appreciation from the people I've talked to. I have become increasingly concerned about the direction America is going.
Time will tell but, I don't hold out much hope for the future of our once great nation.
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