During President Obama’s good will tour of Europe and parts of the Middle East, he made some rather striking comments about the U.S.’s actions and motives in the Middle East and the Muslim world in general.
When asked about relations between
He also went on to say that his administration would base relations with the Muslim world on “mutual respect”, something, he claimed, that past administrations did not do.
Hmm…let’s see here. Which administrations is he talking about?
He must not be referring to President Reagan who spent billions protecting the Afghans from the invading
He can’t be talking about President George H.W. Bush. After all, didn’t President Bush free millions of Kuwaitis in Operation Desert Storm and provide hundreds of millions in aid to Jordanians, Egyptians and Palestinians?
How about President Clinton? Well, he can’t be referring either as he continued President Reagan’s support of
Surely, he cannot be talking about President George W. Bush who freed tens of millions of Iraqis and Afghans from oppressive regimes by fostering democracy in each country, while providing incredibly generous amounts of aid for tsunami relief in
Not to mention the
So Mr. Obama, who are you referring to?
Perhaps he doesn’t know who he referring to. Perhaps he is so hell bent on trying to sound like the nice guy to the rest of the world that he’ll just blame us for all of the world’s ills.
If that is the case, which I suspect it is, that is not going to improve our relations with other countries. This approach will merely make it easier for the Muslim world to blame us for a litany of fictitious grievances.
I do have another question for President Obama about his “mutual respect” approach…when has the Muslim world showed us respect?
Besides blaming us for all of the world’s ills, the Muslim world has done the following to the U.S.:
November 4, 1979
April 18, 1983
October 23, 1983
A truck bomb is detonated near
September 20, 1984
A suicide bomb explodes at the U.S. Embassy in
December 21, 1988
Pan Am Boeing 747 flight 103 explodes and crashes in
February 26, 1993
A rented van packed with explosives explodes in the
April 14, 1993
An attempt to assassinate U.S. President George Bush in
October 4, 1993
Black Hawk Down: Two
June 25, 1996
A truck bomb is detonated outside the U.S. Air Force complex
August 7, 1998
Truck bombs are detonated almost simultaneously outside two
October 12, 2000
A U.S. Navy destroyer, the USS Cole, is rammed by a small boat loaded with explosives in
September 11, 2001
American Airlines flight 11, en route from Boston to Los Angeles, is hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center (north tower); United Airlines flight 175, from Boston to Los Angeles, is hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center (south tower); United Airlines flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco is hijacked and crashes in southwestern Pennsylvania; American Airlines flight 77, en route from Washington to Los Angeles, is hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon. More than 2,900 are killed, and thousands more are injured.
Keep in mind folks, these are just the actions committed against us. There are, literally, hundreds of other terrorist activities committed by the Muslim world over the past four decades.
But we’re the ones that are disrespectful.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
1 comment:
HELLO wingnut, are you really that brain dead that you don't get who Prez Obama is apologizing for?
He is trying to demonstrate to the world that he is not reckless and deceptive and to earn back the trust and cooperation from those that "the decider" alienated.
"The Decider", through Cheney and his henchemen, used the CIA to manufacture evidence that lied our way into Iraq (WMD, Non-existent ties to Al Queda and bs statements linking Saddam to 9/11).
There most popular theory why they would do this is for the oil. It sure made someone a lot of money. The Bush family has ties with the Saudi's and big oil going back 3 generations.
If they had gone in and oil prices had gone down to $10 a barrel because we in control of the oil and were pumping it out, I'd
have cheered them as liberators, but instead they let their friend gets filthy rich and it helped put the nail in the coffin of our economy.
So tHey can also apologize to the people that lost their jobs because of high oil prices.
They just captured the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world for their friends. It's too bad that tens of thousands of our military had to be used in the process. I'm sure that the kia and wounded soldiers don't mind being de facto employees of the oil companies.
And ask the families of the estimated 100,000 civilian deaths in Iraq if they feel "liberated"
They want us out--and rightly so.
So for anyone at this late date to wonder why we should be embarassed
Makes this blog and the guy trying to convince anyone of that bs logic a joke.
Call Rush--he might like it.
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