So, it appears that President-elect Obama is already backing off one of his more controversial campaign promises.
In interviews given this week, Obama has shown a reluctance to discuss when or even if he will, as promised, raise taxes on the rich.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute here. Wasn’t this one of the main policies of his campaign? Why is he doing this?
The reason is easy…it’s the economy stupid.
Due to the tough economic times that we’re currently facing, Obama is acknowledging it’s probably not the best time to be taxing the most productive members of society.
This development is both encouraging and terribly frustrating.
I give Obama credit in this display of flexibility. The tax increase was a vital element of his campaign and his willingness to alter this policy, this quickly, is a promising sign that he will not merely push his agenda, consequences be damned.
Yet, this development is also incredibly troubling to me as well. Why would candidate Obama make a policy, which by his own admission is bad for the economy, such a centerpiece of his campaign?
His answer? Fairness.
But what is fair? Isn’t fairness a purely subjective idea?
Clearly, Obama and I have different definitions of fairness. He believes that it’s fair to take from those who innovate, invest, work hard, succeed and produce to give to those that don’t, while I do not.
So isn’t it fair (pun intended) to say that a number of Obama’s ideas of fairness don’t jibe with most of mine or yours and mine or yours don’t jibe with most of Obama’s? In fact, I think it’s virtually impossible to find even two people on Earth that have the exact same opinions about what is fair and what isn’t.
So why would he base such a large portion of his economic policy on such an indefinable idea, this fairness that he’s so fond of?
No one knows this but him, but I believe this stance is just a byproduct of the old liberal viewpoint of merit and fairness versus productivity. Liberals would rather compensate employees based on their merit, rather than on the actual productivity of these employees. However, as you all know, this is not a viable way to expand an economy. It’s this very naïve view that shows that liberals fundamentally do not understand basic economics.
There are ample examples of the struggle of merit and fairness versus productivity in our everyday lives.
The first, executive pay. Liberals go on and on about how unfair it is that the corporate fat cats get rich on the backs of their poor, working class employees. But I ask which activity results in more productivity, the development and management of a multi-billion dollar merger or the assembly of automobiles? Clearly, the merger does. However, which job produces more merit? It’s fairly difficult to tell.
This further illustrates how difficult it is to compensate someone based on merit or fairness due to their subjective nature.
Here’s another example, the sick day referendum in the city of Milwaukee. Voters in Milwaukee overwhelmingly approved a city referendum that requires employers to provide nine, paid sick days to all employees. The liberal mindset believes that these businesses will now just suck up the losses from the reduced productivity, make less money and do what’s “fair” for their employees. We all know that that just doesn’t happen. Companies never just suck it up and make less money because they have an obligation to their employees and shareholders to be as profitable as possible. As a result, companies will just cut back on vacation time or personal days. Or, worse yet, they’ll just eliminate jobs.
On average, people work 250 days per year. Let’s say you’re a small business in Milwaukee that employs 28 people. These people are now entitled to a collective 252 days of paid, sick time. These 252 days of sick time are the equivalent of the total number of workdays for one employee in a calendar year. What do you think that employer is going to do, risk fewer profits or eliminate one worker? I think it’s clear that they’ll eliminate the worker and demand everyone else work harder. How many Milwaukeeans do you think voted themselves out of a job on November 4th?
Yet another example of this is minimum wage. Liberals love to scream about the evils of minimum wage, how no one can provide for their family working a minimum wage job and how the minimum wage needs to be raised.
They completely miss the point on this too. First, the number of people that try to support an entire family while working a single minimum wage job is so statistically insignificant that it’s foolish to discuss their impact on the economy as a whole. Second, the people that work minimum wage jobs are generally teenagers, the elderly, or part-time or seasonal workers that view these jobs as a way to supplement their overall incomes, not be their sole source of income.
The thing liberals don’t understand is that while they believe they’re assisting these people by raising their incomes, they’re really eliminating a great number of their jobs by demanding employers pay them more.
Listen, I do value fairness. I do not believe it’s right for employers to exploit or take advantage of their employees. However, fairness and merit should be secondary, not primary factors when determining compensation or tax burdens and they certainly shouldn’t be the centerpiece of the President of the United States’ economic policies.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
Who doesn't understand economics?
Every GOP president since Hoover has presided over a recession or depression. Reagan tripled the national debt. Bush increased it by 5 trillion.
GOP policies caused the financial melt down. Not to mention that democrat presidents see a much larger increase in GDP than GOP presidents.
Stick to your day job, junior. Your half assed wanna be punditry falls short. You should be embarrassed.
Broken campaign promises? Sounds like the last 8 years of the current administration. I remember when dubya promised to bring the two parties together and work out problem together. It sounded good. Instead he ended up with the most polarized country since the civil war. Both Bush administrations have been out of touch with reality to say the least.
It's a little concerning that the GOP needs to regroup but I like the sound of it. I'm a progressive liberal hoping we won't have to hear anymore nonsense from the neo-cons or the fundamentals (Christian or otherwise) for a while. Maybe the answer is moderation on both sides?
He isn't raising the Taxes of the Rich (LIKE HE SHOULD BE) because unlike what you neo-con's might think Obama is far from a socialist (unfortunately). I say he should immediately RAISE, double, triple the taxes on the rich! Raise property tax on corporations and If they try to outsource to other countries, Tax them even more or Fine them Mt. Everest steep fines!
Trickle Down economy, is a Pure Failure! We need to water the tree from the ROOTS not from the leaves. We have to build this nation up from the bottom. That means the ones who can afford (the RICH) should be paying the brunt of the taxes in this country.
John, according to the three other comments here, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. Liberals understand SQUAT about basic economics. They live in the childish world of "wouldn't it be nice," instead of even attempting to understand the hard reality that the more money a people is forced to pay in taxes, the less they have to make the kind of investments and purchases it takes to keep a free economy flourishing. And I find it amazing how many liberals actually believe that raising the minimum wage WILL NOT cause a corresponding increase in consumer prices. Incredible.
Like I always say, liberals just don't understand that money - wealth - is a CREATED resource, and not just some finite theoretical concept. Even the example that Bill Gates' billions of dollars did not exist before he and his company CREATED them just doesn't make sense to today's profoundly leftist liberal mindset.
National debts are just money - wealth - and as a CREATED RESOURCE, the best way to pay down national debts is to encourage the creation of wealth, not just let the government pass around the same money over and over until it becomes worthless. But I seriously doubt liberals will agree.
Jerks like bama are the reason this country is in the shape it's in. he's just one of many in line to fill their pockets and crap on real americans at the same time. he could give a rats ass about the best interest of this country. he is what he is only in his own mind.
who are the 1st three meth-heads commenting on this post? are you people serious? read a book, take a class, or clam it up. seriously.
stop trying to blame the GOP for this economic meltdown. it was the clinton administration who aggressively pushed for lenders to give out sub-prime mortgages in 1999. janet reno personally campaigned for more loans for low-income minorities. barney franks and current democrats ran freddie mac and fannie mae into the ground. it's a known fact if you would get your news from somewhere other than "The View"
by the way. Obama didn't suddenly have a change of direction in terms of economic policy. He was lying to everyone during the campaign. he got your idiot votes and now he's gonna do whatever he wants. the media will sell it to you as a change of heart and you will believe it because you're know-nothing sheep.
i hate liberals who bash conservatives without knowing the facts. read a book..
otherwise great post man.... check my old blog out at charlesdrengberg.blogspot.com.... or look for my name on associatedcontent.com
peace out hippies!
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