In their latest round of taunts against the
Not only is this test’s date a symbolic slap in the face to the nation, the test itself has the potential to be a real life threat to the country, as the North Koreans are aiming it at the
Combine this incredibly brash move with their reneging on the deal to halt their nuclear weapons program, their rogue partnership with the Iranian government, their nuclear weapon tests, their threats to “wipe out the aggressors (U.S.) off the globe once and for all” and their violation of international law by transporting nuclear weaponry to Myanmar for further testing and the case has clearly been made to strike North Korea.
While I am not suggesting we declare war on North Korea (although that should not be ruled out, as it will be difficult to have any significant progress in the U.S/North Korean relationship while Kim Jong Il is in power), I am suggesting, however, that we execute targeted air-strikes against their facilities to destroy their nuclear weapons program.
This would pacify an ever-increasing problem in the Pacific by eliminating the immediate threat of a nuclear war, show
This strike would also be the wisest foreign policy move that President Obama could make. It would show the rest of the world, but specifically,
This would do wonders for our troubles around the globe. It could potentially drive a death nail into a quickly collapsing Iranian regime. It would show Al Qaeda, Taliban and anti-democratic fighters in
In short, it would make President Obama’s life much, much easier.
I know that Defense Secretary Gates has discussed the possibility of shooting down the test missile, but I simply do not believe that is enough. There is absolutely no guarantee that it would work (imagine how energized
As I have said time and time again, I do believe military options should be the last resort in solving any international issue. I also believe that we have reached that critical stage with the North Koreans.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
I'm glad to see that the retarded right wingers have yet to have an original idea. You and your stupidity are doing the world a favor by continuously advertising how much you DON'T know. It is only through dedication combined with the lack of intellectual thought that such ignorance can be achieved as this level.
Oh and I believe you meant to use from instead of form in your third paragraph. I know you and your mom and the three or for dullards that frequent this site are very impressed with your freshman level English. However, if you want to be taken seriously, you'll learn to use complex sentences, proof read your work and maybe even maybe conjure up an original thought.
Now go back to mom and that mongoloid pack you belong to and feel proud of yourself. You've managed to reiterate the frequently used political tactic of the retarded right wingers, "Let's Attack them."
If Dumb was was money, you wouldn't need a job.
That is a really stupid idea and shows you have no clue about how to handle this issue.
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