For those of you that regularly read my blog, I suggest you take some time to read some of the comments that some of my visitors leave from time to time.
Many of them are either statements that politely agree with my viewpoints or principally disagree with them. For the people that have left those, I thank you. You are helping me achieve one of my main objectives for starting this blog, fostering good old political discussions about timely issues. While I would like to address each one of these comments, I simply do not have the time to do so. I would probably have to quit my job, break up with my girlfriend and never go out in order to keep up with all of them and since I need my job, love my girlfriend and enjoy meeting up with friends; I largely remain silent.
Others, on the other hand, are not so polite. They would rather ridicule my beliefs and me, rather than make a logical argument…all the while remaining anonymous.
Want some examples?
From my post on North Korea:
I'm glad to see that the retarded right wingers have yet to have an original idea. You and your stupidity are doing the world a favor by continuously advertising how much you DON'T know. It is only through dedication combined with the lack of intellectual thought that such ignorance can be achieved as this level.
Oh and I believe you meant to use from instead of form in your third paragraph. I know you and your mom and the three or for dullards that frequent this site are very impressed with your freshman level English. However, if you want to be taken seriously, you'll learn to use complex sentences, proof read your work and maybe even maybe conjure up an original thought.
Now go back to mom and that mongoloid pack you belong to and feel proud of yourself. You've managed to reiterate the frequently used political tactic of the retarded right wingers, "Let's Attack them."
If Dumb was was money, you wouldn't need a job.
This guy goes on and on about my supposed lack of “original ideas”, yet he fails to mention what is wrong with my opinions, nor does he even provide a single idea of his own regarding
All he can do is call me names and jump all over me for a simple typo. Well, if you want to go there, fine let’s go there. The typo came in the second paragraph, not the third as you claim. I may have a typo but at least I can count.
Also, use “four” when discussing numbers, not “for”. Additionally, one “was” is plenty. There is not need for placing them back to back.
He also claims that I possess the English capacity of a freshman and that I don’t use complete sentences. It is called style, friend. This is not a term paper that warrants the use of the APA style, this an open blog where I write in a style that is entertaining and a format that is easy to read.
I will say, however, that his closing line of “If Dumb was was money, you wouldn't need a job.” will definitely make me lose sleep tonight.
Ah, here are two examples of my favorite kind of criticism…the kind that comes from failing to read anything that I write.
From my Conservatives: The untouchables of America post…
I find it amazing that one person commented that the left media has filled our brains with whatever! How in the hell do you think we feel about that divisive racist ass Sean Hannity. Lou Dobbs can also be added to this list, and I can go on and on. I actually use to have a great respect for conservatives, afterall most of my Dad's side of the family were small business owners, African American, and extremely conservative; however for some reason your party has taken a real turn and you are truly turning people off.
Now in know way am I saying Democrats, or leftist as you refer to them are any better, but it is truly amazing how racist your party has become.
Interesting fact, African Americans are truly very conservative (believe it or not) but when we hear you spew such rhetoric being spewed by many conservatives it turns most of us away.
Until some of you start denouncing what I think most of you know is wrong and hurtful. You will never win back African Americans nor Americans as a whole. People are switching everyday (trust me on that)!! Hope this isn't taken the wrong way.
Nowhere in the post do I mention race…not once. Also, I have never claimed to be a member of the Republican Party on this blog.
Here’s another example of that from my favorite commentator “Lurching Right=Crap”. This is from my post about several liberal columnists and commentators being less than thrilled about a number of President Obama’s early cabinet selections.
Hey whiner! Prove Obama had anything to do with the scandal. The FBI says he did not, and surveillance records show that Blagovjevich was pissed that Obama would give him nothing buy appreciation. In fact they had a long history of antagonism.
But of course, some f-ing con retard with his own free blogspot page knows better. Keep whining loser. Its all you'll have the next 8 years. Suck it!
He is referring to the Blagojevich scandal, which I mention; yep you guessed it, zero times in the article! In fact, I have never accused Obama of being part of that scandal and you want to know why…it’s because I don’t think he had anything to do with it.
This one though is probably my favorite comment. It really shows the incredible lack of decency, class and civility of some people. From my Waterboarding post…
You're a fucking moron. I hope you are taken captive against your will someday and waterboarded 265 times until you admit you did something you may or may not have done.
And I hope your father's cock is taken from your asshole before hand so the CIA can fit anything they want up there you hypocritical, anti-American sheepfucker.
I don’t think I need to say anything else.
In closing, let me just say I don’t claim to know everything. In fact, I freely admit that I don’t. I am not a professional commentator nor do I have access to all of the information about any issue. I am just a guy that follows the news, has strong opinions and likes to share them.
I appreciate all of you letting me vent a little. I just hope the respectful conversations on this board continue and the barbaric and ill-informed ones cease.
That’s all for now. Until next time, take care and be well.
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