Well, well, well, it appears that the honeymoon between President-elect Obama and much of his liberal base is over.
Don’t believe me? Read for yourself:
“What do the
“He (Obama) has confirmed what our suspicions were by surrounding himself with a centrist to right cabinet. But we do hope that before it's all over we can get at least one authentic progressive appointment.”
-National Director of the Progressive Democrats of
“Isn't there ever a point when we can get an actual Democratic administration?”
-Liberal Blogger Chris Bowers
“There don't seem to be any liberals in Obama's cabinet. What does all of this mean for Obama's policies, and just as important, Obama Supreme Court announcements?”
-Editor of Americablog.com, John Aravosis
“This Wasn’t Quite the Change We Envisioned.”
Jeez, these liberals are a tough bunch to please aren’t they? The man is still 40 days away from entering office and they’re already turning on him.
Now, forgive me if I’m not the least bit sympathetic to either side of this spat, however I do find it rather interesting that so many liberals are this upset with him, this quickly.
My only response to these outraged liberals is, “What did you expect?”
To his credit, thus far, Obama has done everything that he promised in the campaign…he’s surrounded himself with individuals that have a wide range of political viewpoints, been a flexible, pragmatic leader and reached across the aisle when selecting his team of advisors and Cabinet members.
I guess I find this humorous because when he discussed actions like these on the campaign trail, his supporters lauded the bipartisanship of this approach and it was we conservatives that were closed-minded and inflexible. Now however, when put into practice, these actions are criticized by those same liberals as somehow selling-out to the Right.
So… who is being closed-minded and inflexible now?
Why is this happening?
I think there are a couple of reasons behind this uneasiness.
The first reason is fairly obvious; liberals like to talk about bipartisanship and coming together, but that’s all it is…talk.
Sure, they like to say that they buy into working together, but in the end, it’s just lip service. They don’t want conservatives or moderates assisting with decision-making, they want it all for themselves. To be fair, this is true for conservatives as well, however, conservatives do not pretend to love bipartisanship to the degree liberals do.
The second, and more important reason in my opinion, is that Obama’s supporters are viewing him for what he really is for the first time…a mere politician.
He’s not the larger-than-life, silver-tongued celebrity that has all of the answers they saw on the campaign trail; he’s just a politician, the same as everyone else in
What these people failed to believe or recognize is that the campaign trail is not reality. Both sides have turned the campaign into a beauty contest that’s produced, packaged and disseminated to the masses.
Essentially, our election process has been transformed into two, nine-month infomercials. The candidates portray themselves not as they really are, but as they want you to see them. They don’t discuss their shortcomings, only their strengths, they don’t explain how they’re going to implement policy, only how their policies will help you, they don’t say “no” to anyone, they say “yes” to everyone.
Sure, there’s the occasional bits and pieces of reality that interrupt everything, you know the sporadic scandals, debates or gaffes, but the campaign is largely no different than a blockbuster movie coming out of Hollywood (after all, Steven Spielberg directed a film for Obama’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National convention).
Somehow, the majority of Obama supporters failed to identify this parallel reality and the truth is hitting them…hard.
They had better get used to it, because it’s only going to get worse for them. As much as they don’t want to believe it, Obama is just a flawed politician, no different that every other politician before him and every politician that will follow him.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
I think the keyword in "flawed politician" is politician. Is this what we wanted for a president when what we supposedly need is change? I agree, this is all likely heading for more of the same. However, with some of Obama's Windy City compadres making now their way to Washington, it should make for an interesting 4 years.
Hey whiner! Prove Obama had anything to do with the scandal. The FBI says he did not, and surveillance records show that Blagovjevich was pissed that Obama would give him nothing buy appreciation. In fact they had a long history of antagonism.
But of course, some f-ing con retard with his own free blogspot page knows better. Keep whining loser. Its all you'll have the next 8 years. Suck it!
yet 2/3s of Americans support Obama's cabinet picks. I see you have nothing to base your babbling nonsense on but your own ignorant partisan bigotry.
John, you're running the danger that the GOP at large is courting. You're talking about Obama, Obama, Obama. From one conservative to another: STOP.
We aren't going to fix things by focusing on Obama's cabinet choices. The problems in the GOP are self-induced, and we need to get our own house in order first.
This anonymous coward would like to point out that the outraged liberals you quote are a red pubic hair to the left of pol pot. This is similar to liberals pointing to FReepers as an example of mainstream conservative thought. Of course, this is not true. The fact is that most Americans are a lot closer to the center than either the FReepers or the Pinkos. The people on either extreme are just louder.
I'm a conservative and I'm willing to give Obama a shot and see what he does for the good of our country before I make any judgements.Both parties are guilty of scandals that's for sure and no president is liked by everyone or all that supported him before his electon.I voted for Bush twice and I really can't even stand to see his face or his empty words.Like I said,I will wait and see what Obama does and give him the benefit of doubt.He won the election fair and square so let's not bicker with each other and give the man a chance.
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