With today marking the first day of Lurching Right’s “President Bush Spectacular”, I thought it would be fitting to look first at the man, before looking at and judging his actions.
I twice voted for President Bush. In fact, the first presidential vote of my life was cast for him back when I was a knucklehead sophomore at the
I voted for him because I was a “Republican”. I say “Republican” with “” because back then I had no idea what it really meant to be a Republican. Sure I believed in the death penalty, hated abortion and favored lower taxes, however if you pressed me to defend those positions (or any other that I held at that time for that matter) I probably wouldn’t have been able to do so in an intellectual manner. Some of you probably read that last comment and asked, “What’s changed?”
While I’ve always held conservative beliefs, at that time I was fairly easily swayed by personalities and hype. Good God, maybe I would’ve been swept up in the wave of “Change” and “Hope” banners had they been around at that time.
This brings me to probably the main reason I voted for President Bush back then; I liked him. In fact, I still like him.
On that November night in 2000, I thought back to the previous eight years; eight, wasted years filled with scandal after scandal.
Whitewater, Troopergate, Vince Foster’s mysterious death, Filegate, the Lincoln Bedroom being treated as a hotel room, Chinagate, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and, of course, Monica and the Impeachment were all on my mind as I walked up to the Old Armory on North Street to cast that vote.
The sliminess, smugness, aloofness, ruthlessness and the sheer inability to take responsibility for anything of the Clinton Machine also weighed heavily on my mind as I stood in line with my then-roommate Antone.
When I thought of President Bush then (and when I think of him now) none of those descriptions came to my mind. No matter what I’ve ever thought of his policies or actions, I’ve always believed he is a good man. A man that wants what’s best for this country. A man would do what he believes is right, even if the results would torpedo his popularity.
You know, it makes me think of the “Who would you rather have a beer with?” poll that comes out during the summer months of every presidential campaign.
Looking at the Presidents of my lifetime (W. Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan and Carter), our current president is the only one that I can say that I’d like to have a beer with.
H.W. Bush? Too geeky.
Reagan? Too mythic, too grand, too perfect.
Carter? Too self-righteous.
G.W.? Of course!
He strikes me as a really normal guy.
A guy you could watch a baseball game with and not have to correct his pronunciation of Albert “Pujols”.
A guy you could curse in front of.
A guy that would ask, “Are you ready for another?”
A guy that when you ask him to help you move, offers you his truck as well.
A guy that wants the lives of his daughters to be better than his.
Just a normal, decent, God-fearing, nice, kind man.
You know, I still to this day, do not understand the visceral hatred of this man by the Left. I understand attacking policies, views, stances, etc., but the attacks that’s he’s had slung at him over the past eight years are so personal, cut so deep and are so unfair that I don’t know why he still cares what the Left thinks of him.
And…you know he does. How else could you explain the auto bailout, his sudden change on global warming, his expansion of Medicare, etc.?
I really think this propensity, or even need, to be liked by everyone is the one character flaw that hurt his presidency the most. If he would’ve just stuck to his guns a little bit more, maybe things would’ve turned out a bit differently for him.
As I said in my previous post, at the conclusion of the “President Bush Spectacular” I will assign him an overall grade. I, honestly, do not know what that grade will be quite yet.
I do, however, know one thing about President Bush. He is a good man. A man that tried his best, had some successes, had some failures, but at the end of the day remained the decent man he was when I pulled the lever for him back on that rainy night in November of 2000.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
A couple of quick thoughts...
I agree with most of your views of "W" the Man...but this response it to address a few diferences in opinion on having a few beers with Ex-Presidents. I can explain why, and the right beer for the nite.
We do agree on current Presiendt Bush. I would absolutely have beers with him (probably a 12-pack of Miller High Life - a fine quality beer at a tasty price).
I'd love to have many Beers with President Reagan. (A case of "Beers from Around the World" would seem appropriate).
- His accomplishments as President alone warrant "throwing back a few" with him.
- His personal history and the abundance of viewpoints on everything from Hollywood to world politics would make it worth the hangover.
I'd have a beer with President Carter
- just because he'd bring fresh peanuts (1 can of "Billy Beer" would be about right.
Maybe, just Maybe, a few beers with President Clinton would be fun. (Probably only a 6-pack, -Budweiser would seem appropriate because wasn't Bill the first to coin "DRINKABILITY".)
- I wouldn't have to buy beers,I know he'd never buy a round but I'm sure someone else would.
- Our table would be surrounded by girls (and probably cigars) all nite.
- If trouble were to arise, he could talk our way out of anything
- And seeing as Hilary can't stand him, there would be no chance of her showing up.
I guess I'd have beers with just about anyone...
This assure you this invitiation is purely coincidental to my last comment...When can you come over J-Bird? Seeing as I want you to "chill-out" about having beers with our Presidental History, a few bottles of Miller "Chill" will be on the menu. Hope to see you soon.
UW-Whitewater is the Harvard of Walworth County? I may have to add that on my resume . . .
I agree with most of "W the Man", and I believe he is a decent man, but he is definitely not a good president, and he was completely under control by two evils - dick cheney and carl rove. This great country used to be the leader and the envy of the world, but in the past 8 years... , you don't need to care about what the world think about our country, but you should know why. We need a good president to lead this country, not a guy you would like to drink beer with.
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