The argument over President Bush’s place in history is starting to ratchet up, as we are only 23 days away from the swearing-in of President-elect Obama. Some view President Bush as a great president, others, a terrible one, maybe even the worst one.
Me? Well…you’ll have to keep checking in to find out. (I know…what a teaser!)
The one thing that cannot be argued by any rational commentator is that the entire Bush Presidency changed on
I’m not going to sit here and try to articulate the nation’s mindset on that day because that’s for you to decide as that tragedy affected all of us in different ways.
I will say, however, that it’s a safe assumption that the vast majority of us believed that this was not a one-time event. Deep down, I think we all feared that it was not a matter of “if”, but “when” we would be attacked next.
Due to these unprecedented attacks on our country, on our culture, on our way of life, on us, President Bush took dramatic steps to keep us safe and make sure September 11th was the only, not the first attack on U.S. soil.
In this endeavor, he has succeeded.
This, by the way, was no small feat. In fact, I’ve even seen it described as a “miracle”, as no serious observer ever imagined that after September 11 there would be zero additional terrorist attacks on U.S. soil with only three days remaining in 2008.
How did this happen?
Was it luck? Did Al-Qaeda simply pat themselves on the back, crack open a few cold ones and call it a day?
As we all know, it had nothing to do with complacency as we’ve seen that the Islamo-fascists that orchestrated the September 11 attacks have been quite busy all over the globe.
These seven-plus years of safety are the result of the President’s proper identification of the threat posed by these terrorists. He knew that we could not sit down with these people, discuss our differences, hug, make-up and continue on with our lives.
As a result, he knew he would have to take dramatic steps to limit their ability to function, communicate and organize in this country.
Enter the Department of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act,
What do these four tools in the War on Terror have in common?
Well, besides that they’ve all worked, they’re all despised by opponents of President Bush.
Opponents of President Bush say that The Department of Homeland Security is a bureaucratic behemoth that wastes taxpayer money.
Opponents of President Bush say that The Patriot Act tramples the Constitution and limits our personal freedoms. (Remember all of those hysterical stories perpetrated the media of librarians that would be thrown in jail for failing to supply federal agencies with book rental information? Breath easily librarians as, to date, none have been jailed.)
Opponents of President Bush say that
Opponents of President Bush say that the NSA Wiretaps strip us of our personal privacy.
Do you know what the opponents of President Bush never say?
They never say that all of these tools work.
Despite the Left’s blind hatred of these tools in the War on Terror, it is an irrefutable fact that they’ve all worked and we’re safe as a result.
This is an area where President Bush’s record is quite remarkable and we all owe him a debt of gratitude for his actions and policies.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
1 comment:
That's completely b.s.
After 9/11, any president could do all the things to prevent the next attack like george bush did, and probably did a much better job (we still have whole lot of security holes you can drive a 18-wheeler through). Most of all, our troops probably already caught or killed osama bin laden, if george bush didn't start that stupid Iraqi war, all our military resources could be used to do that. Without that stupid war, we would have better economy if we didn't spend that 1 trillion dollars.
The reason why al-qaeda didn't attack:
Fact: Tight security (which any one would do) after 9/11 is one of the major factor.
My Theory: osama bin laden felt regret that so many Iraqi being killed as the result of U.S. invasion of Iraq, which was caused by 9/11. Most of all, (Fact)he indirectly helped his enemy - Isarael, by eliminated one of their trouble. Let's look back 9/11, when the twin towers were burning, across the river in New Jersey, in an apartment parking lot, there were 5 or 6 men singing and dancing while watching the burning towers, they even get on top of their parked truck to celebrate. A woman in the apartment called the police, after police learned their identities as employees of an Isarael shipping company - undercover spy agent, police released them, this is the fact that Barbara Walters reported on ABC's 20/20. There were a lot of speculation about 9/11, but this is not. Why those Isaraeli so happy about 9/11, if you google with key word "USS Liberty", you'll find what happened about 40+ years ago they used fighters without identifications to bomb US intelligent ship to cover their military action and try to make US blame on Egypt. Why would osama bin laden falling into Isarael's play again to attack US to get Iran nuked?
Actually, I'll vote george bush as the number 1 terrorist in the US. - before Iraqi war, there's no al-qaeda in Iraq (if you check all the news around 2003, 2004), but Iraqi war helped al-qaeda recruited thousands followers, which caused thousands casualties of our soldier, that's all george bush's achievement.
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