I know that may sound harsh, but we are at a very critical point with
In a report released yesterday, a “well-placed American source” stated that if
If this report is accurate, this is the most hawkish statement made by the Obama camp to date.
However, despite all of this hawkish talk, Obama also came out earlier in the week and expressed interest in negotiating with Tehran and offered economic incentives for their cooperation in the nuclear discussion.
So what is really going on here?
Let’s deal with the Israeli protection plan first.
While I wholeheartedly support taking the gloves off when dealing with
First, while this policy is designed to help Israelis, what will it actually do for them? I am quite sure that the vast majority of Israelis will not find this action very comforting, considering most of them will be dead if
Secondly, why should we provide this type of guarantee exclusively to
While I am not a strong proponent of such a plan, if we are going to go through with it, we should do it the right way.
As I have previously stated,
Thirdly, and the biggest reason this is a flawed policy, this announcement concedes that
Many of you already know this, but as a brief refresher, if
Listen, we still have time to take care of
The elimination of the Iranian nuclear program would not only stabilize the entire
Let’s move on to the open negotiations with
Now is not the time to be negotiating with, and therefore propping up, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s administration.
Despite what the Iranian propaganda machine would like the rest of the world to believe, Ahmadinejad is unpopular in
On this year’s Student Day, Iranian college students openly protested against President Ahmadinejad for a number of grievances including imprisonment and torture of students, expulsion of lecturers, poverty, abuse of human rights, dictatorship, and looting of their country’s wealth by foreign powers such as
These grievances are on top of Ahmadinejad’s paltry economic performance.
Right now, we need to help provide the deathblow to the Ahmadinejad administration, not resuscitation, especially with their elections right around the corner.
The fear with any Iranian election is that the new leader would be even worse than their predecessor. While that scenario is a possibility, it does not appear that it is likely in this case.
The most likely person to replace Ahmadinejad is former nuclear negotiator and moderate conservative cleric Hasan Rowhani. Rowhani is highly respected throughout
His balanced and measured approach would be in sharp, and welcomed, contrast to Ahmadinejad’s nonsensical rants about
I know that Obama views himself as a “citizen of the world” and prefers a soft power approach to foreign policy, making these actions potentially unsettling to him. However, there is no greater gift he could give to the world than a nuclear free
Pulling the plug on a dying Ahmadinejad administration by not negotiating with them or, better yet, taking out their nuclear facilities would go a long way in accomplishing that goal.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
I'd just as soon not beleaguer the point that "Iran is the chief cause of instability in the Middle East."
It is not...in fact, nor is it even close. Before 1979 Iran was not the cause of unrest. Before 1967 Iran was not the cause of instability. Before 1953 Iran was not the cause of assassination or terrorism. Before 1947 Iran was not the cause of it.
Today Iran is not the cause of it.
The cause of "instability" in the Middle East, ie, public unrest of the sort that leads to terrorism...is coming from far more benign capitalist and bourgeois meddling that has little to do with Islam. In Dubai, slavery and human traffic, in Saudi Arabia fundamentalism on a scale that dwarves Iran and a far larger amount of money, Israel with it's fascist, racist, apartheid military state...
Iran I would not argue is a benevolent state...but neither is Israel. Israel, unlike Iran, is guilty of more than 100 UN violations, MAJOR UN violations. Iran isn't even guilty of nuclear proliferation. Absolutely everything we can prove they're doing is legal even according to international law, we have actually done as much as possible to change international law to make it so that what they were doing would be illegal.
It is not illegal to explore nuclear technology for peaceful uses.
Iran is a highly misunderstood place in our modern world and your post stinks of American stupidity and ignorance. You are intolerant and scapegoating...you propose to have a simple "bad guy" that just needs taken out and that'll fix everything...it won't.
For every bit of good we've done in the Middle East, we've done twice as much damage. And that's a conservative estimate. We sold weapons to Iran to use on Iraq and weapons to Iraq to use on Iran, all proxy wars with Russia.
We have funded an illegal occupation and incremental genocide of the palestinian people at the hands of Nazis. White people with blue eyes and blonde hair screaming anti-semitism at a previously peaceful and quiet semitic people. Arabs are semitic, jews are semitic by virtue of being arab, not the other way around. But the word gets thrown out into the void by evil Rabbis even as they tell teenagers to torch mosques in Hebron.
We continue to keep good relations with the Saudi State even though we know for a fact that Al Queda was funded almost entirely with Saudi and UAE money and that UAE and Saudi princes have held high positions in these operations.
Leave Iran alone. Leave Syria alone. Leave them be. Iran does not want to kill six million jews. Iran wants freedom for Palestine.
There was no significant hatred between Arabs and Jews, one and the same, until modern Zionism.
Modern Zionism combined with the fall of the Ottoman Empire in world war one, to this day, is the reason that there is "instability" in the middle east.
The power vacuum left by the Ottomans was taken over by Western Fascism, exporting Monarchy on a grand scale instead of democracy for most, and occupation and eviction for others.
You I'm sure know very little about Iran or Iranians. Or Jews in Iran.
I'm sure you know even less about arabs in Israel, arabs in Palestine, Christians in Gaza, or terrorists in Riyadh. I'm sure without looking it up you don't even know where Riyadh is, and probably couldn't tell the difference between Baghdad and Tehran on an unmarked map.
I'm sure you know even less about real nuclear proliferation. I'm sure you don't know a fucking thing about the great zionist myth of iranian holocaust denials. I'm sure you understand nothing about Lebanon, at all, and that to even approach the Enigma of that country with a racist automaton regurgitating Rush Limbaugh rants on the internet and hoping people read his fucking blog.
Read a book. Go fucking study Wikipedia and some middle eastern history before you pollute the internet with your dumb sentimental bullshit neocon posturing. Please.
Khoury,it's interesting where you pointed out Zionism and the hatred between arabs and jews and the instability in the middle east.I have one entity to blame and that is the "Rothschilds".I'm sure you're familiar with them(at least I hope you are)as they are responsible for every war and economic disasters thruout the world since the 1700's to present day.They are particularly responsible for the fighting between the Jews and the Palestinians from the get go.They "created zionism" for nothing more than profit.They have dragged our country into every war we've been in to punish us for trying to keep our banks from being controlled by them.They control the federal reserve and thus control our media,president,congress and the military and by proxy,control us.They know full well that if they can control ANY country's currency they can control that country and it doesn't matter who the president or prime minister or king is? I have done enough research on them to realize that "they" truly control the world with the power of their wealth.The old saying:"The men with the gold make the rules" and anyone who refuses to believe what I've said here is very obtuse and very ignorant.Liberal or conservative leanings mean nothing.Nothing that happens around this world is a coincidence as it is planned well in advance just like 911 was and the Rothschilds planned it well as they knew the controlled media would report it and the masses would beat the war drums and it worked perfectly! The Rothschilds build upon the dividing of every county's peoples by manipulating their money.There are only 5 countries they haven't "yet" placed one of their banks in but they will in due time trust me.
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