I have been getting a lot of inquires from some of you regarding a statement I made in a previous entry, so I am going to clear everything up.
To those of you who do not know what I am talking about, here is the entry:
-Once again, I think President Bush missed the mark on this as I completely support Gay Marriage (Again, too long of a discussion for this space, will revisit in a future entry).
Well, today is that future entry.
Yes, I am a conservative, yes, I support gay marriage and no, I am not joking.
I know that this does not jibe with what many of you believe to be “True Conservatism”, but I respectfully disagree.
Before I discuss this further, I would like to point out that I am not discussing this as a spiritual or religious issue, rather as a political one.
When you look at the Left versus the Right, liberals versus conservatives, Democrats versus Republicans or however way you want to view the political spectrum there is one fundamental difference between both sides.
That difference?
More government versus less government. Liberals want more, Conservative want less.
It’s really as simple as that. Nearly every position that liberals and conservatives take stem from that very difference.
So, being a conservative, how else could I view a government’s ban of an entire group of people’s ability to participate in an activity that they wish to enjoy as anything other than more government control over our lives?
As a result of this belief, I recognize the support of gay marriage as being a conservative approach to this issue, rather than a liberal approach.
You may snicker, shake your head and/or disagree with me all you want, but, based on that rationale, I am taking a consistent and objective stance on this issue.
Now as we all know, complete objectivity is difficult to achieve when discussing politics. It’s even more difficult to do so when discussing matters of the heart.
This issue is both, so let’s throw out objectivity for a moment and just speak about this, actually speak about it without labels like Republicans or liberals, but merely as people.
I want you to think of your greatest source of love right now. It could be a husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, child, grandparent, whatever it is to you, I want you to think about them.
Please take a moment and think about how much that person means to you and how much joy and happiness they’ve brought you.
Now I want you to think how difficult it would be if a group of people made a law prohibiting you from loving that person in the manner in which you want.
Think about how that would make you feel. That a group of people that you have never met said that you and the person you love most in this life cannot be together because your love is “different”, “unnatural” or even a “sin”.
I cannot think of many things in this life that would be worse than that.
Now, I have a question to those that support a ban on gay marriage and I want you to, please, be honest when you answer it to yourself, why do you care?
Why do you care if loving homosexuals marry each other? What difference does it make on your life? Does it really have any impact whatsoever?
If not, why do you support this stance?
I’ve had this discussion with numerous people and I’ve heard all of the same responses…
“It’s not natural”
Well, the homosexuals that I have met and know that were born gay would respectfully disagree with that.
“Well, they can’t conceive children”
So what? Since when is bearing children a necessity in marriage. By that rationale, all of the heterosexual couples that cannot or wish not to have children should have their marriages voided as well.
“It’s an assault on traditional marriage”
How? How is it possibly undermining the traditional form of marriage between a man and a woman?
Listen, I don’t like how the Leftist gay community approaches resistance to their cause with pornographic and disrespectful demonstrations, but I recognize that that is a vocal minority of the group.
I believe that most homosexuals are just normal people that want to live their lives in a normal fashion with the man or woman they love, just like the rest of us.
It is because of this and my understanding of the differences between more and less government that I support gay marriage.
I hope I have sufficiently cleared everything up for all of you.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
Well, I love my cat. My cat brings me great happiness. Why should the government tell me that I can't marry my cat.
This argument has been used over and over again as if it were clever by people who think that clever is about arguing absurdities. Believe me, your argument isn't clever and neither are you.
You can't marry your cat any more than you can marry a rock in your back yard and the reason is obvious. Neither can consent to the marriage.
There is a great essay in this month's Harpers about the American fetish for ignorance. You might want to read it.
I had never looked at it your way, but you make an interesting point. I simply feel gay marriages should be allowed period. I don't believe they asked to be gay, and what's wrong with being happy with one person and be able to acknowledge that legally.
You know what - this reminds me of why I used to be BE a 'conservative'. Because it used to make sense, because the conservative leaders used to believe in assuming we were intelligent enough to run our own lives.
This is no longer the case, and hasn't been since the Republicans began courting the religious right to win elections.
When conservatives TRULY return to those ideals and values - self-responsibility, self-determination - I may vote for a Republican again.
Please next time find some with intelligence, education, maturity and level-headedness.
(ex-Republican who voted Dem in the last 3 elections)
Since when? has the liberals EVER held the conservative "ideals" that you supposedly admired so much?You are a walking contradiction to reality world.Try posting again after you increase your IQ higher than your body temperature.
John,I understand your points about gay marriage and why should anyone care? The people that do care make up the majority that are against it for the fact that they believe in God's word and the founding of our country under God's word.There are those that would like to take God totally out of the picture because they are either athiests and/or trying to justify their lifestyle without the feeling of guilt and also totally lack respect for what our country was founded upon in the first place.I believe in God and I do feel bad for people born gay being persecuted for feeling the way they do and being honest about it and holding their heads up high and not being pressured into saying "I'm sorry".These people are good people and already have rights under the law whereas they can use one another as dependents,joint bank accounts and health insurance as well and yet that is not enough? The liberals would like us all to abandon God for the sake of compassion and diversity because THEY think that would be the best thing for the good of us all and they can't stand our country being founded upon God's principle's and will never stop trying to abolish those very principles as well as true conservative values.The other problem associated with gay marriage is all the loop holes along with it ie: marrying your pets and such.If anyone doesn't believe in God and our foundation here? they should move to a country that shares their ideals instead of trying to remain here and undermind our culture and our ideals.
Interesting Mitch, because I thought this country was founded for the exact opposite reason. People were looking to escape religious persecution and look at you--willing to bring it all back. Maybe you are the one who should leave. Perhaps Great Britain would accept you back with loving arms. Any relationship that a person has with God is between God and that person. How does that affect Mitch? I cannot get to testify on your behalf on judgment day as neither can you for I, so don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Therefore, all of the sins of my life are just that--MINE. Live and let live, Mitch.... Goodness. Oh, and isn't there supposed to be a separation between church and state? How can the government tell me what religious ideals I should hold? And one last thing, since I do have the floor... Your whole "these people have enough rights" statements really sound kind of familiar... 3/5ths of a man, and separate but equal, and all that jazz. Check yourself Mitch.... Keep up the good words/work, John
This is exactly what I've been saying for years. When the conservatives can go back to their roots-smaller government, less spending and less interfering with world problems and more concentration on America's problems I will vote Republican. While they run around legislating morality and peeking into people's wombs, churches and bedrooms they are not my party.
At the heart of your argument is whether or not the government should participate in the decision. Let me present a scenario for you: A brother loves a sister and wants to marry.
Should the government limit this proposal? Most will say yes. Why? -Because the possible negative ramifications for the offspring. However, in today's world we have birth control and legalized abortion. If a brother and sister were allowed to marry, would we then require mandated use of birth control and abortion? Doubtful.
So, the debate then shifts to society's choice to choose whether or not we should limit marriage for reasons other than love. Clearly there is a societal benefit to doing so in this scenario. But, doing so limits a so called "right" to some citizens. Once this is a precedent, there is no longer a valid claim to use "equal rights" as a justification to allow gay marriage.
Anonymous in Beantown -
I do not take offense to the idea of gays marrying. However, I do not believe that churches should be forced to participate and I fear that there would be lawsuit after lawsuit to do just that.
Excellent point. Why should a majority oppress a minority and further involve the government. If gay people want to get married - let them. Who are we to deny them that right. From everything I've read and gay people I know - they are just like us and want normal lives and the ability to be able to be part of society. They average 3% of the population and there is no reason to think that granting them equality in all ways affects the majority of the population in any way whatsoever. Leave gay people alone - let them do want they want to do and be involved with your own business. And you know what for all you hardcore right wing brain dead Christians - let he without sin cast the first stone. Shut up. We don't want to be ruled by the church. Like how the catholic church in Brazil just excommunicated the doctors and Mom who had an eight year old girl who was raped get an abortion. Ewwww, more evil is done in the name of God than any other endeavor on the planet. Live and let live.
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