Today is day number two of at least 1,461, and potentially 2,922, days of an Obama presidency and now, the real work begins.
When I woke up today I read the headlines that Obama is halting all trials at the hated
Why is he doing this?
It’s in the “interest of justice” he claims.
I’m sure all of the lawyers in the ACLU and rabid anti-Bush crowds are swooning over this latest display of goodwill to a bunch of people that want nothing more in this life than to kill as many of us (Americans) as possible.
In their rush to congratulate their new president, I’m sure most of them probably missed the fact that a critical point was left out of that article.
Which point might that be?
Sure, in a few months time Obama may drag out some tired, old excuses for why he can’t close the prison, all of them undoubtedly blaming President Bush, but, ultimately, he won’t close it.
Why you may ask?
Simple, because it works.
Do you think that Obama wants to open up the gates to
Of course he doesn’t because, one, I’m sure he doesn’t want to see his fellow Americans needlessly killed by some Islamo-fascist thugs and, two, he doesn’t want to be blamed for it either.
For all of the people that want to close
Let them go? Please.
Send them back to their countries of origin? Good luck with that. First, no country wants to take back a terrorist and second, if some country were actually foolish enough to take them in, they’ll go right back to the activity that got them captured in the first place…killing Americans.
Try them in civilian court? That’s impossible. Most, if not all, of the evidence against these terrorists has been obtained through classified intelligence activities. If this evidence were displayed for the entire world to see, many of our intelligence officers may be killed and/or our intelligence gathering would dry up.
I guess, for the life of me, I cannot understand why so many people want to treat these people, these 245 terrorists, with such reverence, such respect.
If the anti-Guantanamo crowd ever ran into these terrorists, there’s a good chance these terrorists would try to kill them, or even succeed in doing so.
What the pacifist Left either doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to accept is that we are at war and war is ugly; it is filled with horrific deeds and there is a level of barbarity that all sides must resort to in order properly prosecute it.
Another point that they seem to miss is that these terrorists that we captured are enjoying a far greater destiny than any American, British, or non-Muslim prisoner would face from Al-Qaeda, Hamas, the Taliban or Hezbollah.
Do you think these people care about justice and fairness? Do you think that these people care about the rights of prisoners? Do you think these people even hesitate before beheading an American captive?
The answer to all of these questions is a big fat “no”.
Yet we are supposed to treat them with dignity and respect when they have never done so to us?
No thanks.
I know many on the Left would then say, “So, you want to stoop to their level”?
That would be missing the point entirely.
Just because we conduct activities (in retaliation, mind you) that may not be the epitome of justice, to stop further atrocities, does not make it the moral equivalent of people that would do far worse if they had the chance.
I’d like all of you to remember those points the next time some talking head or “civil liberty defender” tries to talk about us trampling the rights of those poor souls stuck in
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
I've always wanted to ask some ACLU type or liberal politician or just some anti-war, anti-military person who they'd want to be locked up in a room with.....one of our wonderful service personnel with an automatic rifle or some islamo-fascist with a machete?
you speak as if all of these people were tried and proven guilty but thats not true it is a fact that many of these people had nothing to do with terorism when they where picked up. will they however turn to terorism now? probably. but as long as guantanamo bay is open these terrorist will have their most powerful recruiting tool. so we can either keep these 200+ people locked up while the other side uses it recruit thousands, or release the people that we have no prof of any wrong doing, move the worse into federal prisons and stop fighting terrorism stupidly
you speak as if all of these people were tried and proven guilty but thats not true it is a fact that many of these people had nothing to do with terorism when they where picked up. will they however turn to terorism now? probably. but as long as guantanamo bay is open these terrorist will have their most powerful recruiting tool. so we can either keep these 200+ people locked up while the other side uses it recruit thousands, or release the people that we have no prof of any wrong doing, move the worse into federal prisons and stop fighting terrorism stupidly
You need to listen Robert show on Saturday Morning on KIDO he talked about why we should NOT close Guantanamo Bay. He also had a JAG lawer on about ACLU doing to our safty.http://www.thepatriotradionetwork.com/prn/index.php
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