Of all of President Bush’s “sins” in the eyes of those on the Left, his supposed barrage on our personal freedoms was certainly one of their most despised.
According to these people, free speech, the very foundation of our republic, was under constant attack by President Bush and his evil henchmen, with laws and programs like the Patriot Act and the NAS wiretaps.
Judging by the recent deeds and words of those on the Left, however, you’d think that they were quite fond of restricting personal freedoms, particularly free speech.
You can see this is numerous arenas, but especially over the country’s radio waves.
There is now a debate whether the “Fairness Doctrine” should be reinstated due to the utter dominance of conservative talk radio. Liberals claim that the country needs the Fairness Doctrine to level the playing field regarding the talk radio industry.
If you are not familiar with it, the Fairness Doctrine is not really a document. It is an abandoned policy by the FCC to regulate the content of the nation’s broadcasters to ensure both sides of an issue are heard.
While on paper, this policy seems to make sense, in the real world, it doesn’t hold water. To support this policy, one must believe that, in this case, radio stations are colluding to stop liberal viewpoints from being discussed.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
There’s one simple reason radio stations air so much conservative programming…it’s profitable.
What the liberals that support the Fairness Doctrine fail to understand is that conservative talk radio is wildly popular and liberal talk radio simply isn’t. This is not an opinion formed by my conservative ideologies; this is a fact…just look at the ill-conceived Air
If conservative talk radio was not a cash cow for radio stations, they would pull it in a second and broadcast more listener-friendly programming to drive ratings.
Believe me, if there were any liberal talk radio hosts that were as popular and generated the same ratings as their conservative counterparts, there would be more airtime given to them.
That’s not what Dick Durbin, John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi would lead you to believe however. They seem to believe that conservative radio is yet another right-wing conspiracy to stop the free flow of ideas.
What rubbish.
An interesting closing note on this section; you don’t hear liberals trying to extend the Fairness Doctrine to apply to television, magazines or newspapers.
Hmmm... I wonder why.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
It's the NSA. Simple mistakes like this show how much you really don't care about what people think about you.
Thanks for showing the facts on this. I know how you mental midgets on the right like to stick to facts.
Actually dumbshit, the fairness doctrine would extend to the all media. And a common misunderstanding of the fairness doctrine is that is requires media to give equal time; that was never the case. The fairness doctrine only said that you had to give the opposition a chance to represent their side. I’m glad you have this side so the simpletons of the world have a place to go to read really simple-minded thoughts from a person who is obviously a few IQ points for being legally retarded.
Always interesting
when the Cs have NOTHING TO SAY
Who would waste their time reading your stuff?
Not me.
Do ALL cowards use -
From Obama's press conference
"And let me give you a prime example --
when it comes to how we approach the issue of fiscal responsibility.
Again, it's a little
hard for me to
take criticism
from folks
about this recovery package
after they presided over a doubling of the national debt.
I'm not sure they have a
lot of credibility
when it comes to
fiscal responsibility."
I prefer to listen to only conservative radio for my news. They are the only ones that validate the feelings I have towards the leftist socialist regime. Rush, Glenn Beck, and Hannity Are the voices that give me "HOPE". If this thing is brought back I'll have to listen to opinions and craziness that I dont care to hear.
If Obama policies succeed, God help us all!!!
The ONLY thing you will get from the ones you listed is
and MORE Hate.
The Fairness Doctrine simply provides a counter opinion to those offered in the media (the media which We THE PEOPLE are supposed to OWN).
As the coward "Buddy in FL" clearly points out, the right wingers are afraid of having a voice to counter Rush Limbaugh, and even worse, anyone on Fox News. The right wingers' entire political philosophy exists due to the lack of accountability in their media - and they are absolutely afraid of the truth - because this truth will kill their political agenda - because they will have to start believing the truth.
Sad, sad individuals. They want nothing more than to continue living in the fear produced by forcing themselves to believe lies.
What a shameful thing it would be to expose themselves to logic.
Awe....Let's see? The whining left has NBC,ABC,MSNBC,CBS,CNN,NPR RADIO and AIR UNAMERICAN that all are funded by rich liberals and YET! FOX blows them ALL out of the water in the ratings of every source so it's no wonder you fools hate FOX. George Soros was smart enough to realize that funding Air UnAmerica was a loser because NOBODY listened.FOX had SEAN and ALAN on it for YEARS! and MSNBC has just Glen Beck.You have most of the newspaper and magazine media out there going for ya as well as by FAR the majority of the networks too! and you mental midgets have the nerve! to whine about "fairness?"LMAO!!! You ridicule and call EVERYONE! who doesn't agree with your socialist agenda "haters" while you spew it out constantly in every venue you can?You talk about "truth" and how the "right" is afraid of it? Your truth that the "right" is "afraid" of is "socialism" nothing more..Like the old saying:"If you repeat a lie long enough,eventually you will believe it" and that has become obvious as we now have a socialist controlled government thanks to the bleating of simple minded liberal sheep like you that allowed it to happen.You will see your truth during these next 4 years and you will have no one to blame but yourselves but of course you all will STILL blame someone else because that is your nature to do so.It's really funny hearing you whine on here btw? Truly very sad but very funny especially when you mention "logic?" I almost had a hernia from laughing! as you have no idea what that means because you and anonymous and Ken would have to have IQ'S higher than your body temperatures and you three have made it very clear by your posts that you do not.Truly sad...
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