As anyone that frequently, or even infrequently for that matter, reads this blog, you know where I stand regarding North Korea’s and Iran’s nuclear weaponry, so I am going to try to be brief (For any of you that do not know where I stand, please feel free to read here, here, here, here and here).
Benjamin Franklin described “insanity” as doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting different results. Now, I do not wish to put words into the mouth of my favorite Founding Father, but I cannot help believe that if Mr. Franklin were alive today he would have no choice but to call President Obama’s attempts at getting
Why wouldn’t he? After all, we are long past seeing a pattern developing here. I am sure all of you have noticed it goes something like this…
An event like a nuclear bomb detonation, a ballistic missile test or the rejection of diplomatic overtures by the
He talks about how bad the event was and how the world cannot tolerate such conduct. Then he talks about his nuanced approach to diplomacy and how he plans to talk to the leaders of the offending nations and that he hopes these talks will lead to more talks and how enough talking will take place for all parties involved to finally see eye to eye.
He talks and talks and talks and talks.
Guess what Mr. President, they are not listening as the problems, clearly, still remain.
Yet, in the wake of the latest and incredibly brazen actions by both despotic regimes, we got, you guessed it, more talking from the President.
He said that the world must "stand up to"
He stated that
If he is so insistent on talking, I wish he had said something like this:
“This weekend,
If this happened, I can assure you that
I know that there is no chance that President Obama would take this type of stance and that is really a shame as it is probably the only thing that can stop both of these abominable governments from obtaining weapons that can kill, literally, millions of people.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
1 comment:
Actually, the quote is attributed to Einstein, not Franklin.
And perhaps the reason despots are so very desperate to obtain atomic weaponry is in part because it's the only thing that's kept what the rest of the world sees as a bellicose, lumbering, dimwitted superpower at bay.
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