So it seems that the Obama administration is interested in getting rid of
That’s right folks, President Obama will consider taking out Iran’s nuclear program only after we solve a problem that has been around for 60 years and consumed the efforts of five past presidencies before he was ever sworn in.
Why doesn’t he just wait until hell freezes over to do something about a nuclear
This latest foray into foreign policy by President Obama is quite troubling on four fronts.
1. He doesn’t understand the issue. What does the Israeli-Palestinian peace process have to do with stopping a terrorist-backing, militant government like
In fact, this may make the situation even more dangerous. Let’s say hell does freeze over and the Israelis and Palestinians do reach some sort of peace agreement and become allies. Well,
2. He doesn’t understand the issue’s urgency. Here’s a newsflash for President Obama:
3. His priorities are totally out of whack. Yes, peace between the Palestinians and Israelis is extremely important and it would do wonders for the Israeli and Palestinian people and the
4. This, again, shows his incredible arrogance. He seems to think that he can do something in a matter of days that the Carter, Reagan, Bush the eldest, Clinton and Bush the younger administrations couldn’t accomplish in nearly 35 years.
By overreaching and trying to solve all of the world’s problems all at once, he won’t be able to solve any of the world’s problems at any point in his presidency.
As I have said again and again and again and again when I have addressed this issue, this needs to be our first priority. This is more important than
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
When you are a left-wing, ineffectual, elitist, and your entire platform is based in lies, you have to make-it-up as you go.
So, you can believe that when a mushroom cloud rises in the skies over Israel (or even closer to home) Obama will take real and decisive action, by publicly condemning Iran, and maybe even urging the U.N. to express "real concern" about the situation.
Do you not find it to be rather ironic that when a corporately controlled democracy receives a wink and a nod from the corporately controlled UN to evade a free society in order to incorporate a countries resources it's called a Liberator, yet, when the peoples of the evaded country sets out to form a resistance in order to protect its countries resources, it is deemed a Terrorist organization by the corporately owned medias?
From my perspective Great Brittan, Is-Ra-El, The US and other so called "Democracies" have been hijacked, thus the peoples of countries such as Venezuela, Iran, China and Russia, have and will exercise their right to defend themselves from the corporate take over of these democratic countries.
I believe, or maybe it's just my hope that what the seer of The Book of Revelation viewed was the peoples of these non-democratic countries forming an alliance in order to liberate the peoples from the democracies whose aristocratic dictatorship has ruled them for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
Thus reuniting the sons of Abraham and restoring The Holy Land to its rightful owners.
The real question here should be; who, or what is this aristocracy? Many speculate that they are the Illuminati from The Book of Enoch, or the rouges working from within The Freemasons, and/ or Vatican II. But is it possible that they, this "Family" is a social memory complex that calls itself "Lucifer" that is found in The Book of Job, The Law of One, The Apocrypha and many other sources?
Al Qaeda was created by the CIA; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-hYorNi0nA
It appears that the truth is often more difficult to reckon than the many illusions fed to us by their corporately owned religions and other media outlets.
Most people appear to have an emotional loyalty to their own preconceived set of ideals based on their experiences, these medias, and their own fears of the unknown.
"If you wish to control a man, allow him to believe that he is free."
I will not be returning to this post. Therefore, if you wish to comment regarding my comment, please see my Contact Us on my website.
Travis, Family Resources; http://www.focusonrecovery.net
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