Do you see why we need to keep it open?
Oh yeah, cause it won’t work!
Pakistan is going to learn the hard way that bargaining with homicidal maniacs is a road to ruin.
I am happy that President Obama has been firm with Pakistan as they clearly cannot be trusted at this point.
I thought all they needed was the $25 billion they requested in November.
This is the last time, right?
Well NOW it’s the last time… until the next time, that is.
It is nice to see that the President is not listening to some of the fringe Left and advocating a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan.
While I wish he would commit to the full 30,000 that General McKiernan requested, perhaps those will come at a later date.
I guess it wasn’t all bad new today.
I started this blog to help conservatives regain their footing so they could take back control of the government. I figured if even a few people read this and agree with what I have to say, the ripple effect will only help the conservative cause.
As a result, I promote this site fairly aggressively around the Internet. I participate in discussion boards, post on other blogs (Steadfast Patriot) and chat with other like-minded and not-so-like-minded people around the country.
Now, there are some real sharp people out there (on both sides of the political aisle to be perfectly honest), far more so than myself, and they have some outstanding viewpoints and a lot of interesting things to say.
Unfortunately, however, they are in the extreme minority.
The vast majority of political “commentators” are merely a bunch of people that lack the ability to logically form arguments and, therefore, resort to name-calling, vulgarity, ridicule and bomb-throwing in a vain effort to state their case.
I thought about posting some examples here, as they are terribly shocking in most cases, but I did not want to give these people another forum to preach their juvenile hatred. If you are interested, just look at some of the comments people have left me on this site.
I wish I could say that those on the Left are exclusively responsible for these occurrences of verbal barbarity, but that is simply not the case. Some of the most visceral hatred that I read is from those on the Right towards President Obama. As you all know, I am no fan of the man, however, I think there are right and wrong ways to criticize someone and bringing up appearance, race and sexual orientation are certainly the wrong way to do so in my opinion.
Not that those on the Left are as pure as the driven snow either, as their attacks on everyone on the Right, politicians and citizens alike, are generally even more appalling.
People don’t discuss issues on the Internet; they merely try to outdo the person they are engaged with. In fact, I don’t even think the majority of them even care about politics. I think they’re more interested with winning an argument or angering someone that disagrees with them than the actual issue they are discussing.
There is no common ground, no grey areas and no considerations of opposing points of view, none of that. Rather, it’s just hatred, insults and absurdities exchanged.
That’s essentially political discussions on the Internet in a nutshell nowadays. Gone are the days of reasonable stances versus logical arguments. Now, all there is is volume versus noise, vulgarity versus ridicule… a sort of foul showmanship if you will.
So what am I getting at? How does this affect the rest of you that have no interest in discussing politics with a group of foul-mouthed strangers?
I am afraid that this language, these debate tactics will begin to infest our government, our elected officials and turn politics into a game of who can top who and who can scare more people with their form of absurd rhetoric.
In a political environment like that truth, facts and reason will be replaced by noise, scare-tactics and lies and that is something we cannot afford to let happen.
Unfortunately, it already is.
Look at some of the language used by the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats to pass the “Stimulus” Package:
"A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe."
-- President Obama.
“Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs."
-- Speaker Pelosi.
"My fear is that it will be enough to slow but not stop our descent into a real depression."
-- Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-New York.
“What the hell do you do if the economy goes to hell and two or three or four million more people are out of work?”
-- Rep. David Obey, D-Wisconsin.
Now, I’m not accusing these people of being vulgar or profane, but this over-the-top, doom and gloom language is meant to, in my opinion, scare citizens into action or get them to go along with what the politicians want to do.
To me, that is being intellectually dishonest.
Yes, conservatives and republicans have been guilty of this as well and I find those cases irresponsible too, however, I bring up the stimulus rhetoric because it’s the most recent example and, unfortunately, a sign of things to come for the foreseeable future.
The Internet was supposed to set us free, open our eyes to the truth and bring about a new brand of transparency to political discussion.
Unfortunately, I think the opposite is occurring.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
While this event certainly does not help the U.S., the real losers are the citizens of Venezuela and their neighbors to the west, Columbia.
Remember the hysterical pleas by the Democrats to pass the stimulus bill? Remember how many jobs would be lost if we waited to you know, actually read what was in the “stimulus” package?
Well, how many hard-working Americans won’t be working at all after this little weekend getaway?
It’s so nice to see the President has such perspective.
Now he wants to focus on the deficit? He should have had this conference a few weeks ago. Maybe the “stimulus” package (that will do nothing to stimulate) would not have been passed.
If they do, their future will be far better than it is with this clown running things.
I really like the fact that the Obama Administration is keeping Pakistan’s and the Taliban’s feet to the fire. We really need to continue attacks like these if we want to succeed in Afghanistan.
I’m sorry, but I find it downright weird if you don’t like mini marshmallows in hot chocolate.
I’m not sure if everyone reading this has cable/dish TV, but if you do, check out the Days That Shook the World series on the History Channel. The series documents important days in history and gives a dramatic reenactment of the events. Very well done, especially the
If you have not seen Gran Torino, go right now. Absolutely great movie and it has something for everyone…well, except kids.
If you’re in the market for some new DVDs, check out Wings. The mid 90’s sitcom is one of the most underrated shows of all time. The DVDs are great, packed with episodes and an outstanding deal.
Maybe I’m just a sap, but I give A-Rod a ton of credit for admitting what he did. I know he’s been getting slammed in the media for some of his answers, but at least he owned up to what he did unlike Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Roger Clemens. Jose Canseco is looking more and more credible isn’t he?
Looking for a way to kill some time on the Internet, check out Drunk History. You can find it on youtube or many other sites just like it. Basically, they have some comedians study a historical event, get them drunk and ask them to explain what happened. Then they have actors act out their version of the events. It is pretty profane, but very funny nonetheless.
I highly recommend watching Wizard of Oz with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon playing, very cool. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to be under the influence of anything to enjoy it.
If you’re looking for a good beer, try the Tripel Karmeliet. It’s a
I’ve heard the Pizza Hut pastas are great, but I find that terribly tough to believe. Can anyone fill me in on that?
I’ve recently gotten into Alfred Hitchcock Presents and old Twilight Zone reruns. Man, I wish they still made TV like that now. Great, great stuff!
Speaking of pizza, if you haven’t tried dipping pepperoni pizza in a little french salad dressing, well, you haven’t lived!
Another outstanding piece from the History Channel is Killing Pablo. It’s about Pablo Escobar, his rise to power and the efforts to take him down. Incredibly fascinating. It’s also a book written by Mark Bowden (also wrote Black Hawk Down) and supposedly there’s a movie about it starring Javier Bardem (Villain from No Country for Old Men) and Christian Bale coming out this year.
If you’re in the mood for a riveting and suspenseful book, check out Empire of Lies by Andrew Klavan. It is unbelievably griping and you won’t want to put it down. Here’s the description: Sustained by a deep religious faith, Jason Harrow has built a stable family and become a pillar of principle and patriotism in the
Returning to
This week I become the proud owner of a Snuggie. Yes, I realize it’s essentially just a backwards robe, but it’s surprisingly warm. Plus, now I have the proper attire if I ever want to join a cult. The reading light is so damn bright, you could see it from Jupiter.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
Well done Judd Gregg! I really give him a ton of credit for sticking to his principles.
Banning smoking in bars and restaurants seems to be the Left’s latest crusade to tell the rest of us what is and what is not good for us. Judging by the following list, it seems that they are doing a magnificent job…
These are on top of the myriad of local and county bans around the country…that list being far too expansive to mention here.
Now, I am not a smoker, in fact I have never even taken a drag off a cigarette in my entire life. That being said; I could not be more opposed to these smoking bans.
First, let’s just recognize these bans for what they are; attempts by the Left to harm businesses and further limit our personal freedoms… all done in the guise of “health concerns.”
Why should the government be able to walk into an establishment and tell its owner that they have to prohibit a legal activity from being practiced in their private business?
What if most of their patrons smoke and this ban would therefore jeopardize their business?
Well, I guess that’s just too bad, isn’t it?
Oh and by the way, let’s not forget these states will still get fat off cigarette taxes…but that’s fair, right?
Look, I hate cigarettes. I find them disgusting and dirty, but that opinion does not matter as smoking remains a legal activity. If an owner of a bar or restaurant wants to grant their patrons the permission to puff away, then they should be able to, simple as that.
Instead of passing smoking bans, why don’t we just let the market work this out?
Last time I checked, there are no laws prohibiting any businesses from going smoke-free, so if there is a demand for smoke-free establishments, they will open.
Simple, they will be profitable.
The people that enjoy a smokeless evening will undoubtedly frequent these smoke-free bars and restaurants.
Conversely, if there is an influx of smoke-free bars and restaurants, then the businesses that allow smoking will become more popular as so many people smoke.
See how everything can be worked out…and without the government getting involved!
I know nowadays, that’s a novel concept.
If these smoking bans continue (and, of course they will; I’m not that delusional to think that they won’t), a dangerous precedent for governmental interference will continue to be set.
Pretty soon, you may see state or local (hell, maybe even federal) municipalities saying what type of food a restaurant can or cannot serve. In fact, this is already happening with the ban on Trans fats.
Then what? I honestly believe the following restrictions and bans could be on the way…all mandated by the government, mind you:
· Bars will have to limit the amount of alcohol they put into the drinks they serve.
· All restaurants (not just major chains) will have to provide full nutritional information including all ingredients of everything on their menu.
· Bars will only be allowed to play music at certain decibel levels.
· Restaurants will have to adhere to strict portion sizes in the meals they serve.
· Bars will have to close earlier.
I hope I’m wrong about all of these, but don’t be surprised to see some, if not all enacted in the next three to five years.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
From Drudge:
Under President Bush, this would’ve been absolutely slammed as another example of the president hiding his tracks to help out his fat cat, CEO buddies.
Again, just another example of how the rules don’t apply to liberals.
It is nice to see how this plan is “stimulating” the economy.
Does the president even understand anything about propaganda?
It just occurred to me how funny that last statement was.