I’m sorry, but I find it downright weird if you don’t like mini marshmallows in hot chocolate.
I’m not sure if everyone reading this has cable/dish TV, but if you do, check out the Days That Shook the World series on the History Channel. The series documents important days in history and gives a dramatic reenactment of the events. Very well done, especially the
If you have not seen Gran Torino, go right now. Absolutely great movie and it has something for everyone…well, except kids.
If you’re in the market for some new DVDs, check out Wings. The mid 90’s sitcom is one of the most underrated shows of all time. The DVDs are great, packed with episodes and an outstanding deal.
Maybe I’m just a sap, but I give A-Rod a ton of credit for admitting what he did. I know he’s been getting slammed in the media for some of his answers, but at least he owned up to what he did unlike Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Roger Clemens. Jose Canseco is looking more and more credible isn’t he?
Looking for a way to kill some time on the Internet, check out Drunk History. You can find it on youtube or many other sites just like it. Basically, they have some comedians study a historical event, get them drunk and ask them to explain what happened. Then they have actors act out their version of the events. It is pretty profane, but very funny nonetheless.
I highly recommend watching Wizard of Oz with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon playing, very cool. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to be under the influence of anything to enjoy it.
If you’re looking for a good beer, try the Tripel Karmeliet. It’s a
I’ve heard the Pizza Hut pastas are great, but I find that terribly tough to believe. Can anyone fill me in on that?
I’ve recently gotten into Alfred Hitchcock Presents and old Twilight Zone reruns. Man, I wish they still made TV like that now. Great, great stuff!
Speaking of pizza, if you haven’t tried dipping pepperoni pizza in a little french salad dressing, well, you haven’t lived!
Another outstanding piece from the History Channel is Killing Pablo. It’s about Pablo Escobar, his rise to power and the efforts to take him down. Incredibly fascinating. It’s also a book written by Mark Bowden (also wrote Black Hawk Down) and supposedly there’s a movie about it starring Javier Bardem (Villain from No Country for Old Men) and Christian Bale coming out this year.
If you’re in the mood for a riveting and suspenseful book, check out Empire of Lies by Andrew Klavan. It is unbelievably griping and you won’t want to put it down. Here’s the description: Sustained by a deep religious faith, Jason Harrow has built a stable family and become a pillar of principle and patriotism in the
Returning to
This week I become the proud owner of a Snuggie. Yes, I realize it’s essentially just a backwards robe, but it’s surprisingly warm. Plus, now I have the proper attire if I ever want to join a cult. The reading light is so damn bright, you could see it from Jupiter.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
No! You bought a snuggie!? Have you lost all self respect for yourself? Ha! That is awesome.
I would also recommend the movie 61* which seems a very fitting right now.
Also, Season One of Entourage.
Aren't you already part of a cult? If you voted for Bush twice I think you qualify already!
A snuggie? And you effing admit it? Dude that is teh gay.
I have a hard time with some actors and their politics. I can't watch sometimes excellent acting and divorce myself from their hysterical left bullshit. Stephen Weber is almost at the top of my list. I don't know if you've ever had the misfortune of reading some of his columns but this man should be put out of his misery. And that takes WINGS off the list which is too bad because I liked the show before I became aware of this idiot other life.
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