Banning smoking in bars and restaurants seems to be the Left’s latest crusade to tell the rest of us what is and what is not good for us. Judging by the following list, it seems that they are doing a magnificent job…
These are on top of the myriad of local and county bans around the country…that list being far too expansive to mention here.
Now, I am not a smoker, in fact I have never even taken a drag off a cigarette in my entire life. That being said; I could not be more opposed to these smoking bans.
First, let’s just recognize these bans for what they are; attempts by the Left to harm businesses and further limit our personal freedoms… all done in the guise of “health concerns.”
Why should the government be able to walk into an establishment and tell its owner that they have to prohibit a legal activity from being practiced in their private business?
What if most of their patrons smoke and this ban would therefore jeopardize their business?
Well, I guess that’s just too bad, isn’t it?
Oh and by the way, let’s not forget these states will still get fat off cigarette taxes…but that’s fair, right?
Look, I hate cigarettes. I find them disgusting and dirty, but that opinion does not matter as smoking remains a legal activity. If an owner of a bar or restaurant wants to grant their patrons the permission to puff away, then they should be able to, simple as that.
Instead of passing smoking bans, why don’t we just let the market work this out?
Last time I checked, there are no laws prohibiting any businesses from going smoke-free, so if there is a demand for smoke-free establishments, they will open.
Simple, they will be profitable.
The people that enjoy a smokeless evening will undoubtedly frequent these smoke-free bars and restaurants.
Conversely, if there is an influx of smoke-free bars and restaurants, then the businesses that allow smoking will become more popular as so many people smoke.
See how everything can be worked out…and without the government getting involved!
I know nowadays, that’s a novel concept.
If these smoking bans continue (and, of course they will; I’m not that delusional to think that they won’t), a dangerous precedent for governmental interference will continue to be set.
Pretty soon, you may see state or local (hell, maybe even federal) municipalities saying what type of food a restaurant can or cannot serve. In fact, this is already happening with the ban on Trans fats.
Then what? I honestly believe the following restrictions and bans could be on the way…all mandated by the government, mind you:
· Bars will have to limit the amount of alcohol they put into the drinks they serve.
· All restaurants (not just major chains) will have to provide full nutritional information including all ingredients of everything on their menu.
· Bars will only be allowed to play music at certain decibel levels.
· Restaurants will have to adhere to strict portion sizes in the meals they serve.
· Bars will have to close earlier.
I hope I’m wrong about all of these, but don’t be surprised to see some, if not all enacted in the next three to five years.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
Your opinions regarding the smoking ban are valid. However, your arguments regarding the government and intervention are paranoid and, yes, delusional. The idea that the government will say, "hey, look what we did! now we can do all the crazy things this blogger is paranoid about!" which you pointed out toward the bottom of your entry is insane. That reminds me of the end of days style conservatives whose basement argument against gay marriage is, "well, what's next? If we let the queers get married, the next thing you know someone's gonna want to marry a soda can! We've got to draw the line somewhere!(actually heard this argument from a conservative)" Of course, this is the exact opposite, as this represents a situation where conservatives are begging the government to intervene in the lives of people they fear and can't control themselves within the bounds of the law.
The fact of the matter is, your anarchistic approach to your views is un-American and, again, paranoid. The government does have a role - and that role is to create policy for the betterment of the citizens of whatever constituency that government represents. Be it a city or a county or a state, or hell, a federal smoking ban - it is for the good of the health of individuals that unrestricted businesses otherwise do not show any concern for.
"Well then those people don't have go to that bar!"
Fair enough, and perhaps in larger cities the idea that a demand for non-smoking establishments is being created is a valid one (though this would immediately cause a segregation between smokers and non-smokers.)
And this isn't to say that the government always does its duty of creating good policy to keep the American people safe or healthy - look at our food supply - corn, corn, corn, corn, corn - and look at our kids - fat, fat, obese, more obese, and morbidly obese. And why? Because the government subsidizes giant corn farmers.
Anyway - sticky issue, smoking bans - and most certainly not as left and right as you attempt to polarize it as - and I can understand the views of those who oppose the smoking ban - but, they're wrong.
Lets look at the "mind" of cons:
govt banning abortion, Dr assisted suicide and medical marijuana=good
govt banning smoking=evil
Don't let the fact that in cities where smoking bans have been implemented, patronage has actually increased in bars and restaurants.
But then again, conservatives never let facts get in the way of a good rant.
Yeah, this blogger sucks.
"Why should the government be able to walk into an establishment and tell its owner that they have to prohibit a legal activity from being practiced in their private business?"
I believe their logic is that restaurants/bars are 'a private business AND a public venue'. Also because tobacco is an addictive substance with public health consequences as serious as any other controlled substance. [Unless the "smoking" you're referring to isn't restricted to just tobacco... Hey, there's an idea! Be logically consistent and make the case that we should decriminalize all of !]
Why did you come to Craigslist and repost this? Why not write something new?
And you tout it as the "Left’s latest crusade to tell the rest of us what is and what is not good for us."
Well, genius, this was a bipartisan bill in both the Senate and Assembly. Your phony conservative outrage is fooling no one except the moron conservatives that have already promised their GOP Messiahs they would blow them in an alley no matter what they made them swallow.
You're a really shitty blogger.
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