Well, it appears that my prediction that the stimulus bill would quickly go through the Senate after the little resistance it met in the House last week was woefully incorrect.
Note to self, stop making predictions.
So we seem to have a bit of a standoff on our hands here, don’t we?
I really think that this is an extremely important moment for the Republican Party. If the Senate Republicans follow the lead of their House brethren, I think they have a real chance at making some significant gains in 2010…maybe even regaining control of Congress.
You see, I have no doubt that the stimulus bill will fail. I know that this is simply speculation and not a veritude, but I really fail to see how it will work. You have heard all of the arguments against it from me and other commentators, but, in short, there are so few sections of this bill that will do anything to actually stimulate the economy, that the rest of this pork-filled nightmare will more than eliminate the little good the actual stimulus sections would do.
If the Senate Republicans refuse to support this bill, then they will be completely absolved of any blame when it fails. This will allow them to give voters a clear choice when voting in 2010…those who supported a plan that contributed to sinking our economy deeper into debt while alienating our global trading partners and those that did not.
This really is the only choice the Republicans have or else they run the risk of going the way of the dodo.
The party has been watered down by a bunch of lazy hacks that have far more interest in getting elected than upholding the conservative values they supposedly stand for.
It has gotten to the point that it is nearly impossible to tell the two parties apart.
This action, this willingness to say “no”, would draw a direct line in the sand. It would be a major difference that voters could look to when deciding who should run the country in a couple of years.
If the Senate Republicans say “no” to this plan, they will breathe some much-needed life into the Republican Party and show the Obama administration that he will not be able to woo them with mere uplifting rhetoric …this type of opportunity does not come around too often.
Hopefully, the Republicans will sense this and continue to stand firm against this bill that will do a lot of things…except stimulate the economy.
I suspect that they will as the national tide is really beginning to turn against this plan as Congress continues to heap more and more spending onto this already gargantuan bill.
There I go with my predictions again.
Ok, no more predictions starting…now!
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
God I hope they take a stand. I cannot stress the disappointment in Barack's plan. The stimulus is a joke.
In the same way that McCain failed to explain how he was not Bush - and different from Bush...
...the Republicans are failing to properly blow holes in this stupid stimulus plans. Enough with the graphs showing us how far a Trillion dollars stacked in $100 bills will reach into space!
We all no a Trillion dollars is a lot. Show us how the stimulus plan will not stimulate!
Government infrastructure jobs will take FOREVER to bid out, MUCH longer to complete and even more time to actually pay out! That is not the shot in the arm to the economy we were promised.
Bring those points to light!
Why are the republicans avoiding the slam dunk? America is at stake here. You want to see the Dems fall on their face? Great, but all of American suffers regardless of who fails.
"Note to self, stop making predictions."
Just a few sentences later ..."I have no doubt that the stimulus bill will fail."
You should probably stick to your rules you set for yourself.
Do you Republicans remember the stimulus bill George Bush sent to Iraq in 2003? Still there, spending $10 billion per month of taxpayer money on a wasted cause.
With what the Republicans did to the economy over the last 8 years, as well as under 8 years of Reagan, as well as under the first giant attempt at trickle down econ. during the 1920's, I predict that Americans will be stupid enough to let it happen again, because folks like you just can't get a clue.
As for what Rolph said: Roosevelt was a Socialist who extended the Great Depression with his policies and got us involved in WWII; Truman mired us in Korea; JFK began our involvement in Vietnam; Johnson took us further on the road to Socialism with his Great Society and War on Poverty (still with us, isn't it?); Carter gave us double-digit inflation and gave away the Panama Canal; Clinton sold our technological secrets to China for campaign contributions, embarrassed us in Somalia, and was a liar, a cheat, and a coward; Obama promised us "change", then proceeded to appoint hackneyed retreads from the Clinton administration, including tax cheats and Hillary herself. (Didn't Hillary say on the campaign trail that Obama wasn't experienced enough to be President?)
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