I started this blog to help conservatives regain their footing so they could take back control of the government. I figured if even a few people read this and agree with what I have to say, the ripple effect will only help the conservative cause.
As a result, I promote this site fairly aggressively around the Internet. I participate in discussion boards, post on other blogs (Steadfast Patriot) and chat with other like-minded and not-so-like-minded people around the country.
Now, there are some real sharp people out there (on both sides of the political aisle to be perfectly honest), far more so than myself, and they have some outstanding viewpoints and a lot of interesting things to say.
Unfortunately, however, they are in the extreme minority.
The vast majority of political “commentators” are merely a bunch of people that lack the ability to logically form arguments and, therefore, resort to name-calling, vulgarity, ridicule and bomb-throwing in a vain effort to state their case.
I thought about posting some examples here, as they are terribly shocking in most cases, but I did not want to give these people another forum to preach their juvenile hatred. If you are interested, just look at some of the comments people have left me on this site.
I wish I could say that those on the Left are exclusively responsible for these occurrences of verbal barbarity, but that is simply not the case. Some of the most visceral hatred that I read is from those on the Right towards President Obama. As you all know, I am no fan of the man, however, I think there are right and wrong ways to criticize someone and bringing up appearance, race and sexual orientation are certainly the wrong way to do so in my opinion.
Not that those on the Left are as pure as the driven snow either, as their attacks on everyone on the Right, politicians and citizens alike, are generally even more appalling.
People don’t discuss issues on the Internet; they merely try to outdo the person they are engaged with. In fact, I don’t even think the majority of them even care about politics. I think they’re more interested with winning an argument or angering someone that disagrees with them than the actual issue they are discussing.
There is no common ground, no grey areas and no considerations of opposing points of view, none of that. Rather, it’s just hatred, insults and absurdities exchanged.
That’s essentially political discussions on the Internet in a nutshell nowadays. Gone are the days of reasonable stances versus logical arguments. Now, all there is is volume versus noise, vulgarity versus ridicule… a sort of foul showmanship if you will.
So what am I getting at? How does this affect the rest of you that have no interest in discussing politics with a group of foul-mouthed strangers?
I am afraid that this language, these debate tactics will begin to infest our government, our elected officials and turn politics into a game of who can top who and who can scare more people with their form of absurd rhetoric.
In a political environment like that truth, facts and reason will be replaced by noise, scare-tactics and lies and that is something we cannot afford to let happen.
Unfortunately, it already is.
Look at some of the language used by the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats to pass the “Stimulus” Package:
"A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe."
-- President Obama.
“Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs."
-- Speaker Pelosi.
"My fear is that it will be enough to slow but not stop our descent into a real depression."
-- Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-New York.
“What the hell do you do if the economy goes to hell and two or three or four million more people are out of work?”
-- Rep. David Obey, D-Wisconsin.
Now, I’m not accusing these people of being vulgar or profane, but this over-the-top, doom and gloom language is meant to, in my opinion, scare citizens into action or get them to go along with what the politicians want to do.
To me, that is being intellectually dishonest.
Yes, conservatives and republicans have been guilty of this as well and I find those cases irresponsible too, however, I bring up the stimulus rhetoric because it’s the most recent example and, unfortunately, a sign of things to come for the foreseeable future.
The Internet was supposed to set us free, open our eyes to the truth and bring about a new brand of transparency to political discussion.
Unfortunately, I think the opposite is occurring.
That’s all for now folks. Until next time, take care and be well.
I think this guy has about three times as many blog posts as he does readers. And he's trying to convince people NOT to discuss politics on the internet?
Remind me not to hire this guy to run an online media outlet in the future.
Um....Rolph, is it?
Where the hell does he say he doesn't want us to discuss politics, exactly? Cause I sure can't find that anywhere on here. Especially since this guy seems to let any comment get posted...even the completely banal ones like yours.
What blog are you reading anyway?
First off "Rolph",this "guy" points out very clearly in this post on how debating each other on the internet using vulgarity and name calling gets us nowhere.He encourages logical,rational and tasteful debate on here.You do not have any idea on how many readers he has either.You don't see very many comments to his posts for two reasons.The first would be that there is no need to tell him :"ditto to that! Great job!" and the other would be that people with your mindset cannot refute anything he has said as the facts speak for themselves and cannot be debated logically by the left to counter his statements without the use of vulgarity and name calling.He goes out of his way to also point out that conservatives are guilty of this practice as well so no one can feel like he's being unfair.Your post clearly made his point.You attacked him without anything to back it up because he is conservative minded and shows it and you just cant stand it.Debate ANYTHING he has said on here if you can? He welcomes all.
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